
Great web domain I bought years ago for a reptile business I had planned for years. Sadly due to various health issues I am not able to do much of anything now.

Email me at brownsfan@roadrunner.com If you know me on facebook message me there. Or search herpzilla on facebook. 99% of it will be me. Please try to put the domain name in the subject so I can see in within all the crapola I seem to be getting these days.

ALSO I was signing into a card game site many years ago with my herp help domain email to test it and I had no idea herp help was also in that profile. I had many requests to help them with various herpes lol. Some were very imbaressed and a couple were just PO'd lol So it might be a great domain for that too. Either way I have to sell it due to my health.

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